miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

Speaking the English

One of my teachers was ill today, so after my first class I went to the Zócalo with Ashley. We were approached by this group of girls in school uniforms who asked us, in broken English, if they could talk to us for a school project. Of course, that meant that they would film our 'interview' for their class project. Which, okay, whatever, it's all good.

They ask us if we like Oaxaca, where we've visited, if we like the food, if we like Mezcal. When we say, Yeah, Mezcal is okay, they give Ashley a shot of Mezcal. And she takes it. AT ELEVEN THIRTY IN THE MORNING.

We did interviews for another two groups, but we both passed on the Mezcal they offered.

I hope their teacher enjoys watching the same two white girls three times in a row.

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