sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009


Hierve el Agua, originally uploaded by sappycoldplaywhore.

Today we went to Hierve el Agua, which is a bunch of mountain springs and petrified waterfalls. I guess I (okay, most of us) missed the mountain springs part, because I (we) forgot to bring swimsuits. I have no idea why that went over my head, because I am always up for some swimmin' and chillin' in temperate water (everyone said the water was cold; whatever, it's warmer than the water in LA) but it did go over my head.

Anyway, we complete our hike around the petrified waterfalls, and it was unexpectedly grueling, with lots of uphill-ness and stairs and generally tiring things. And it was hot. Really hot. It's been hot here all week, but it felt especially hot after that hike (duh).

So I jumped in. In my bra and shorts. And it felt soooooo good.

I needed to wash this bra anyway.

2 comentarios:

  1. The end of this entry made me very happy. I can't imagine doing all that and not swimming in th end. Sounds fun, I wish I could do that :P

  2. oh i love this story so much. simple yet beautiful.

    and i've been there before. i always forget my swimsuit at the most inopportune times, but it sounds like you found your perfect solution!
