Jill and I went to the fair outside the Panteón General last night. I just have to say that Mexican carnivals are 394395734857 times better than American ones, because they let you stay on the rides much longer and they jump on to the moving platform to shake the car and spin you round.
It would be an OSHA nightmare. But it's awesome.
Plus if you want a
LOL. I know, I hate when I'm on the teacups and the people I'm with don't want to spin around. It'd be nice to have someone on the outside making sure I at least have some kind of level of fun.
ResponderBorrarIn elementary/junior/high school we used to have milk/chocolate milk in bags. You had to stab it with a straw. =)
haha sugar milk-water.
ResponderBorrarthe only time I've seen milk in a bag was at a farm where it came straight from the cow to the store's cooler.