I went to the doctor yesterday; it turns out I have an intestinal infection. Yay! That's always super fun. (It's never super fun.) So the past four days have been wholly uninteresting, with me mostly sitting in my room, clutching first my head (it was really bad the first two days), then my stomach, moaning as the evil bacteria and my immune system had a battle to the death. Which is still going on by the way, but I think the bacteria are losing too many men and can hardly call for re-enforcements from inside my intestines, so they are attacking less frequently, relying on the element of surprise. But my immune system is like, WHAT. WE HAVE ANTI-BIOTICS NOW. SUCK ON THAT. It's like unleashing the A-bomb. (No, it's not.)
Why am I humanising my illness? I'm so weird.
Anyway. Some stuff about last week that is actually interesting and doesn't involve my digestive tract:
1) The Optometry Clinic!

Isn't this little old lady adorable? I swear, she kept changing outfits and coming in every 15 minutes. (She obviously did not do this.) But a lot of the old people tend to look alike. Well, there are types. And it's like, DUDE, YOU WERE HERE YESTERDAY. But they weren't.
And this cutie!

It was a really great experience. Glasses don't really seem like such an expensive deal, but for most people here, it's either get glasses or eat. Guess which one usually wins out.
2) Chiapas!
As I said before, Chiapas was great, even if there were a lot of problems with our pants. First, on Friday, they got really wet in the rain and our hotel was being a bitch about letting us dry them, because we hadn't washed them first? Whatever. We ended up waiting for two hours and paying 10 pesos to put them in the dryer for ten minutes. But then they were dry and toasty, so that was nice.
Then, on Saturday, we went horseback riding, which was awful because a) cheap saddles are uncomfortable and bruise your inner thighs and b) my horse was retarded and kept falling into pitholes and my pants were COVERED in dirt. But other than the Epic Pants Fiasco, we had a lot of fun.


A typical street in San Cristobal de las Casas. It's a very cute little town, even though the centro is super European-looking. Well, Mediterranean-looking.

We hiked all the way up to that church.

And all the way up these stairs. At the top of which there was another church. Naturally.

Jill stepped on a candle in the church in San Juan Chamula (pictured), a tiny town about half an hour out of San Cristobal, where they have no pews but instead candles and pine needles everywhere whilst they perform 'exorcisms' with Pepsi from the 80s (they believe you can expel bad spirits in burps). You're not allowed to take pictures inside the church. They have a tendency to smash cameras.
And then there was the jungle in el Cañón de Sumidero!