Taking off over OaxacaThis is the way
the world my trip to México ends: not with a bang but a whimper. I was just sitting there in the airport, listening to my iPod. No melodramatic crying. Maybe there was a little tearing up when I said goodbye to my host mum, but relatively uneventful. Even last night, which was incredibly fun, still sort of let me down (mostly because I have an overactive imagination and I was to come to pass does not ever come to pass).
And now, back in Los Angeles, sitting in my room, everything feels so familiar. But I don't want it to.
I want to go back to México.
Landing in Mexico City
These shots are amazing! Thanks for commenting on my blog -- your input is always so interesting.
ResponderBorrarI'm sorry. I can't imagine the 'crash and burn' feeling that comes with moving back.
I'm sorry dear. =( I suppose you're still planning to keep in touch with everyone? Maybe you can just wait a few months and go back in the summer. =)