martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

Every new beginning

Comes from some other beginning's end. Didn't you know? Or did you not depend on Semisonic for all you cliché, song-lyric wisdom?

Anyway, here is another new blog (ugh) in the blog-o-sphere (double ugh) because my real blog is currently having host issues. The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my journey studying abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico, for which I leave in... well, three days now.

My goal is to write in not only English for all my friends to enjoy, but also in Spanish. So that I can, you know, improve my Spanish. So those of you who speak both languages will read it in English and then read the Spanish part at laugh at how abysmal my Spanish is. And maybe my English too, depending on how much of an asshole you are.

I'm calling it 'Pobrecita Viajerita' which basically means 'Poor Little Traveler (feminine)'. I am calling it this not because I'm particularly impoverished (no more than any other middle-class university student) or pitiful (no more than any nerdy nineteen-year-old), but because it rhymed and, hey, did I or did I not mention that my Spanish was abysmal? I'm not Pablo fucking Neruda.

¡Hasta pronto, mis amigos!

1 comentario:

  1. Haha love the entry title :)
    Wow. This is going to be awful for me, since I've only done two years of Spanish. Maybe your blog will help with my Spanish too, who knows?
    Right. I'm very glad your blog's back. Hope to hear from you soon :)
    Adios (see? Very limited vocabulary)!
